This week there are no programming assignments, but there are a few optional proofs presented in last few video lectures of this week. I will do my best to solve these proofs by induction. (structural and natural induction)
Proving Associative property of list concatenation
Natural vs Structural Induction
Natural induction is used to prove properties on the naturals or integers while structural induction is used to prove a property of some structure, ie a data structure such as a list. They both require a base case and an induction step.
For proving some property P(xs) for all lists xs, we must show:
- that P(Nil) is true (base case)
- for a list xs and some element x, that if P(xs) holds, then P(x::xs) also holds.
The Proof
Let’s show that for lists xs, ys, zs the induction hypothesis below is true:
(xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ (ys ++ zs) (*)
Consider this implementation of concat, which has the same behavior as “++” in the concatenation of two lists:
def concat[T](xs: List[T], ys: List[T]) = xs match {
case Nil => ys
case x :: xs1 => x :: concat(xs1, ys)
This yields two clauses for list concatentation:
Nil ++ ys = ys // 1st clause
(x :: xs1) ++ ys = x :: (xs1 ++ ys) // 2nd clause
First we start with the base case, where xs = Nil. For the left side of (*) we have:
(Nil ++ ys) ++ zs =
= ys ++ zs // by 1st clause
For the right side of (*) we have:
Nil ++ (ys ++ zs) =
= ys ++ zs // by 1st clause
Thus the base case is established.
Now for the induction step:
Since the base case holds, we assume that (*) holds for all lists from Nil to xs and we will now show that this implies that concatentation is also associative for a list of size one more than xs and thereby finishing the proof for concatenation associativity.
We replace xs with x :: xs in (*), and prove both left and right sides equate to the same expression. First the left side:
((x :: xs) ++ ys) ++ zs =
= (x :: (xs ++ ys)) ++ zs // by 2nd clause
= x :: ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs) // by 2nd clause
= x :: (xs ++ (ys ++ zs)) // by induction hypothesis (*)
And now the right side:
(x :: xs) ++ (ys ++ zs) =
= x :: (xs ++ (ys ++ zs)) // by 2nd clause
As you can see, both sides were shown to be equivalent to the same expression and thus the proof is complete.∎
Proving Concatenation of Nil is commutative
We will show by induction on xs that xs ++ Nil = xs.
Base case, where xs is equal to Nil:
Nil ++ Nil =
= Nil // by 1st clause
Induction step, where x :: xs is plugged in for xs. First left side:
(x :: xs) ++ Nil =
= x :: (xs ++ Nil) // by 2nd clause
= x :: xs // by induction hypothesis
Now for the right side:
x :: xs = x :: xs //No steps necessary, already at target expression
Since both the left and right sides equate to the same expression, the hypothesis is proven. ∎
Proving Reverse of a list is Discretely Periodic with Order 2.
Consider this relatively inefficient (easier to work with in proof) implementation of reverse:
def reverse[T](xs: List[T]) = xs match {
case Nil => xs
case x :: xs1 => reverse(xs1) ++ List(x)
From this implementation we can make out the following clauses for list reversal:
Nil.reverse = Nil // 1st clause
(x :: xs).reverse = xs.reverse ++ List(x) // 2nd clause
We’d like to prove that list reversal is Discretely Periodic of Order 2, ie:
xs.reverse.reverse = xs (**)
Base case, let xs be Nil:
Nil.reverse.reverse =
= Nil.reverse // by 1st clause
= Nil // by 1st clause
Induction step, we assume the hypothesis holds for all lists from Nil to xs. We now show that this implies that the hypothesis also holds for a list one more larger than xs, ie x :: xs.
(x :: xs).reverse.reverse =
= (xs.reverse ++ List(x)).reverse // by 2nd clause
= x :: xs.reverse.reverse // by Lemma 1
= x :: xs // by induction hypothesis
And thus the hypothesis is proven for all lists. ∎
Lemma 1 Proof
Consider the following statement/hypothesis:
(ys ++ List(x)).reverse = x :: ys.reverse
We shall prove it on ys by induction. First the base case, where ys is Nil.
(Nil ++ List(x)).reverse =
= List(x).reverse // by 1st clause of list concatenation
= (x :: Nil).reverse // by definition of List()
= Nil.reverse ++ List(x) // by 2nd clause of list reversal
= Nil ++ List(x) // by 1st clause of list reversal
= List(x) // by 1st clause of list concatenation
= x :: Nil // by definition of List()
= x :: Nil.reverse // by 1st clause of list reversal
Now the induction step. We assume the hypothesis is true for all lists from Nil to ys. We will now show that this implies that the hypothesis is also true for a list one larger than ys, eg y :: ys:
((y :: ys) ++ List(x)).reverse =
= (y :: (ys ++ List(x))).reverse // by 2nd clause of list concatentation
= (ys ++ List(x)).reverse ++ List(y) // by 2nd clause of list reversal
= (x :: ys.reverse) ++ List(y) // by induction hypothesis (**)
= x :: (ys.reverse ++ List(y)) // by 2nd clause of list concatenation
= x :: (y :: ys).reverse // by 2nd clause of list reversal
Thus the hypothesis and therefore Lemma 1 is true for all lists. ∎
Proving Distributive property of map across concatenation
Consider these clauses of the map function:
Nil map f = Nil // 1st Clause
(x :: xs) map f = f(x) :: (xs map f) // 2nd Clause
We wish to prove the following hypothesis:
For any lists xs, ys, function f:
(xs ++ ys) map f = (xs map f) ++ (ys map f) (***)
We will do so by proof by induction on xs .
First the base case, where xs is Nil:
(Nil ++ ys) map f =
= ys map f // by the 1st clause of concatenation
= Nil ++ (ys map f) // by the 1st clause of concatenation
= (Nil map f) ++ (ys map f) // by the 1st clause of map
Induction step, we now assume that the hypothesis holds for all lists from Nil to xs and we will now show that this implies that the hypothesis holds for a list one larger than xs, ie x :: xs:
((x :: xs) ++ ys) map f =
= (x :: (xs ++ ys)) map f // by 2nd clause of concatenation
= f(x) :: ((xs ++ ys) map f) // by 2nd clause of map
= f(x) :: ((xs map f) ++ (ys map f)) // by induction hypothesis (***)
= (f(x) :: (xs map f)) ++ (ys map f) // by 2nd clause of concatenation
= ( (x :: xs) map f) ++ (ys map f) // by 2nd clause of map
A similar argument can be made for the ys list and thus the hypothesis is true for any lists or function. ∎